Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, 4 September 2006

Wow, what a week! Sometimes I find it hard to believe just how busy our lives actually are!

I worked nights last Friday, Saturday and Sunday, then Wednesday and Thursday, and babysat Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons... James was on day shifts and heading off to the gym every afternoon so all in all I think we went about 4 days without seeing more than 10 minutes of each other, haha. On Friday I dropped our car to the repairers (some"ticking" noise under the bonnet was driving me MAD!!) and a few hours later caught up with a girl that both Carla (my friend, the mum of Little James who I look after) and I went to school with who was over from Sydney- we had a "barbie" at Carla's place and drank some sparkling burgundy and reminisced about the good old days... and tried to forget that it had been 13 years since we left school! By the time I got home (James having collected the car and come to get me) I was dead on my feet- went to bed at 5.30pm and slept for 15 hours!! Stupid me ran myself down, so ended up with a bit of a head cold- not a great way to begin my weekend off! But we were up early on Saturday morning to...

... prepare for our house inspection- booked for 2 pm, we had around 5 hours to get the house straightened up (which I was panicking about, and James was not fazed by at all!) Not that it was too bad, but I know how pedantic Julie can be about things and we had a lot of little things to do... like getting rid of the ceiling cobwebs, any marks on the walls etc... So we scrubbed, dusted, polished, swept, mopped and vacuumed, had our inspection (which was fine) then had an hour or so until...

... we got ready for a cocktail party we were invited to!! Emily lent me a dress which was great as the only dress I own is my wedding dress, and we all got dressed up and headed off with Emily and Matt to Stephen and Emma's where the cocktails were flowing liberally!

Can I just say at this point that I had thought about not going to the party- knowing I wasn't all that well I knew it would be better to stay home and get better- but I also hadn't seen Stephen and Emily for ages and that combined with some great cold drugs from Emily and Matt meant I was good to go!!

I had one Blue Lagoon and then just had non-alcoholic drinks as I was driving... but everyone else enjoyed many a cocktail; I think James polished off around 10, and one or two beers!! It was a fun night, I was really glad that I went along. It was fun to get dressed up too, haven't done that in a loooong time! When we got home James literally passed out on the bed, haha. Emily and Matt stayed the night too, because the next day we were...

... going to the Royal Adelaide Show!!! How exciting!! I love Show time, it's the best time of the year!! Showbags, rides, games, animals, millions of things to spend your money on... it's fantastic!!! We had a brilliant time, and so did Emily and Matt (it was their first time). I am such a child :)

We just crashed when we got home last night, surrounded by Showbags and lollies, haha.

All in all, we had a great weekend- and although I still have my cold I'm really no worse for wear from the busy last few days!!


James just told me that Steve Irwin has died!!! I mean, we've all teased him mercilessly for his "crikey!" and "look at that little beauty!" but he was a great guy with a huge heart, and has done amazing things for Australia and our wildlife... he will be very sadly missed!

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