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Saturday, 18 November 2006

This past week the Tri-State Games were on again. The Tri-State Games is basically a mini-Olympics for people with disabilities held annually in either New South Wales, Victoria or South Australia. It usually remains in the same location for two consecutive years and this year it was in Strathalbyn again. Next year's venue is yet to be announced.

I was lucky enough to be able to go and support a few residents from my region to participate- and we all had a brilliant time!! One resident from the house I'm based at went along for the second time; she has severe and multiple disabilities, and has the highest support needs of anyone in our team (the Marion All Stars). Nevertheless, she had a wonderful time and won at least 2 medals, coming third in a couple of swimming events. Unfortunately, confidentiality laws prevent me from posting any photographs but if you go to the above link, there are some pics from previous games.

So instead of working night shifts this week I worked with the Tri-States team from Sunday morning until Tuesday morning and went back up to Strathalbyn on Thursday to support the participants for their swimming events. Monday was outdoor sports, Tuesday was athletics, Wendesday was a rest day and Friday was indoor sports. Not only did all of the participants have very full and busy days, there were events on at night too such as an 80's night including a buffet dinner and a country and western night! Last night was the Presentation Dinner, so I'm excited to hear the final results of our team. Everyone arrives back in Adelaide today sometime.

I was extremely impressed at the level of skill all of these athletes had- it was great to be able to cheer people on and really support them to do their very best. The whole atmosphere is just really fun and friendly, and I was actually very proud to be a part of it!

As of tonight I am back on night shifts... and counting down one more month until our holiday!!

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