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Sunday, 4 February 2007

Hello there. Happy February!

Even though I emailed some of you to tell you my news, I also feel the need to blog about it: the conclusion of my seemingly never-ending work transfer saga has had it's final chapter...

I finally got the news yesterday afternoon, and they want me to start on the 13th of February- yes, less than 2 weeks away! This long, drawn out process suddenly now seems to be full steam ahead! I'll begin work at Strathmont Centre to get to know all of the 20 residents that will be moving out into the new community houses (2 duplex houses, one in Gilles Plains and one in Enfield- 5 residents in each side= 10 residents in each duplex) and then will help them with the move and transition into their new house. The move for the first 10 residents is scheduled for February 27th, and I think that's the primary one I'll be involved in. I'll be working seven 12 hour shifts each fortnight (7am - 7pm) and will have every second weekend off; actually it'll be a 3-day weekend. I'll finally be permanent full-time, but will also manage to have 7 days off per fortnight. The 12 hour shifts will be fine since I already do 10 hour night shifts now- and hey, if it means no more night shifts for me, I really don't care how long my shifts are!! I'm really excited at the prospect of a change, even though I will miss the current staff and residents I work with, not to mention the house cat, Shielo!

So since my transfer is now definite, James and I can seriously plan to move house a bit further north (not far north by any means but at least something just north of the city) when our lease is up at the end of May. I've been vaguely looking at rental prices just to see what we might expect to pay, and it seems that if we're a little flexible with suburbs, we could get a nice 3-bedroom house for around what we pay now, if not a bit less. It's exciting, it'll be nice to have a fresh start somewhere I think, especially after the break in. Speaking of which, we got our first Telstra bill the other day since we've been back which also has our Foxtel bill on it. It seems that the thieves took it upon themselves to purchase a Foxtel Box Office movie while they were busy stealing our beloved posessions- to make it even worse, the movie they purchased was "She's The Man"- James was horrified. It's one thing to have the gall to purchase a movie while you're robbing someone's house, but it's entirely a different thing to purchase a shitty movie while you're robbing someone's house...

In other news... James has been sick for a little while now and finally went to the doctor yesterday who diagnosed him with a respiratory infection. He's now on antibiotics and is beginning to feel a bit better. Work seems to be going pretty well for him, he came home sick on Thursday which was a good option given this type of infection he has- all the dust particles flying around the factory wouldn't have been doing him any good at all.

Last night we went around to Lynn's parent's house and had a pool party!! It was awesome!! We ate barbecue, swam, drank, swam and ate all afternoon and had a brilliant time. It was really hot here yesterday (even hotter here today unfortunately, I think we've hit 40 degrees...) but the pool was partly under shade so the water was beautiful and there was no chance of getting burnt even though we still had lathered up with sunscreen. Lynn even made a special caramel mud cake with sparklers for me to celebrate my new job, which was so so nice of her... and it was really yummy too!!! I tried to take a picture of it on my camera but unfortunately it didn't really come out well, what a bugger. What a great afternoon spent with great friends :-)

This photograph was emailed through to my by our friend Heather in New Jersey- me, Colby and James on the couch :-) I thought it was cute :-)

1 comment:

oasis_Willie said...

The dog is cute!:)
What's his/her name?