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Thursday, 27 December 2007


It's hard to believe that this time last year we were in the USA- what a year it's been!! Looking back it's all a bit hard to believe really... but this isn't the time for reminiscing as it's not quite New Year yet... I wanted to write about Christmas first!

Before I go any further, we wanted to wish all of our family and friends a very very happy and safe festive season. Hopefully you all had a wonderful Christmas, and not too hectic a day! James, Ella and I had a lovely day- it was a very special Christmas having Ella with us, and we enjoyed opening her presents seeing what Father Christmas had bought her :) Our Christmas started off very nicely on Christmas Eve, when we went to Midnight Mass with a good friend of ours and a couple of family members. Ella slept through the whole thing. Actually, she slept during the hour long drive to get there (we went to my family Church growing up, in Glenelg- a long was from Paralowie!), all through the service complete with pipe organ and mass choir and all the way home again... and right through until around 7.30am the next morning- around 10 hours of solid sleeping!! James says that was her Christmas present to us :)

(As an aside, she's been following that same pattern since then too; she's awake a lot more through the day then having big sleeps during the night- though we're under no delusion that it will continue, so we're going to enjoy it while it lasts!)

The Christmas visits began at my Nana's nursing home- Nana is completely captivated by Ella and cannot be distracted by anything else, so she had a good morning with us! Then we drove up to Hallett Cove to have Christmas lunch at Maureen and Ali's, and caught up with some more family while we were there which was brilliant- and got home by around 11pm that night! We were still very very tired, even though we'd spent the majority of the day in the one place. Lunch was fantastic and we had a very relaxing day :) Last night we had dinner with some more family who we hadn't seen the day before- and today Ella and I haven't left the house! We needed a day to recuperate! James isn't home at the moment- he's gone to "jam" with a friend of his so we have the house to ourselves :)

Here are a few pictures from Christmas Day:

Christmas Morning, Ella's all ready- Daddy needs to have a shower
(he had written a phone number on his leg!)

At least Ella and I are looking at the camera :)

James, Ella and I at Maureen's

On Maureen's lap

I'm off to bed now! Goodnight!

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