Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Hello once again!

As promised, here are a few select pictures from my joint 30th birthday party...

The Ambassador Hotel on King William Street, our venue on the night

James (the priest) in between an angel (Gin) and a devil (Michelle)!

Me in semi-theme as "saintly" Minnie Mouse! Hey- it was a cool dress!! :-)

The birthday crew with their cake

There were well over a hundred pics taken at our party, and several of the people there were friends of Ryan or Emily so I'm not going to post pics of them- suffice to say, everyone looked brilliant in their costumes and had a wonderful time on the night!

Finally, I just have to include these last two pictures- the lady that took these photographs (one of Ryan's workmates I believe- and many thanks to her!) had some spare time and photoshopped several of the photos she took- she obviously spent a lot of time on them and they turned out great! Here is one of James and one of me!

God, I loved that dress :-)


Ok then. What else has been happening lately??

Continuing the hermit lifestyle we have perpetuated recently, we haven't gone out too much- though we did catch up with a friend for brunch at the Grange Jetty Kiosk on my last weekend off. Even though it was raining (hooray!!!) it was still lovely down there. It's such an indulgence to "have brunch", we should do it more often! :-) Ohh, and we did make it to a 26th birthday party for the partner of one of James' workmates- wow, look at that, we're regular social butterflies :-)

James was very excited to have finally got himself a new car- well, a new second-hand car- a Ford Mondeo, I think it's a 1996 model. It's 4-door, dual fuel, has air-conditioning and electric windows and is red, almost the same colour as my car. He's very pleased with this acquisition- we had been holding out a long time trying to avoid the costs of having another car but it was getting a bit out of hand as, with my work hours and working a 3-day weekend every other week, he would be stuck at home all weekend while I had the car. And with a baby on the way, I wanted to have another car so that I wasn't the one stuck at home while he was at work! Although financially it's going to be a bit harder now, I think we did the right thing.

I had my first hospital visit at the Women's and Children's two weeks ago yesterday which went fine- a pretty standard visit I suppose. I was excited as, given my love for showbags and free stuff, I got a bag full of brochures, samples and magazines as well as a beautiful "birth to 5 years" baby book. The midwife felt around my tummy and declared that we are not having twins- a minor relief, especially the first time around! My morning sickness seems to be fading a little bit- a had two very bad days on Monday and Tuesday of last week but since then I've felt pretty good. I've decided that at least part of what causes my nausea is hunger, and the more hungry I am the more nauseous I feel- so if I make sure I eat (particularly food I know I'll keep down, like an English muffin with vegemite, crunchy food like rice crackers...) and eat enough, eventually the queasiness subsides. I'm now in my 13th week which might mean it will disappear for good- maybe in another week!! I went shopping today and succumbed to buying 2 pairs of maternity jeans, haha. I hate to say it but my current jeans are starting to feel a bit tight, especially when I sit down (have to undo the buttons!!) so I thought it was practical- I'd have to get them eventually anyway I guess. I don't think I'm starting to show all that much but I think I definitely have an emerging bump! Our baby is now half the size of a banana - so it's upgraded from a grape and a strawberry (for some reason there are never-ending fruit comparisons when discussing the size of a baby in-utero?)

Work is going ok for both James and I- James still maintains that he "hates" work, but then every time he talks about it he's got a funny story to tell me- besides which, he's constantly going into book shops and checking out the binding on the new books and how well they were printed, what size paper was used and whether it has a "gate fold" or not. Personally I think he doesn't hate it as much as he'd have everyone believe! I'm struggling a bit with work at the moment, I'm having a lot of trouble adjusting to certain ways things run and am feeling quite unsettled. The other day I even worked out how many days I have to work until I go on maternity leave (FYI- 63). Maybe I'll feel better about it once the morning sickness disappears. The good thing is that I have a fortnight's holiday coming up next month, I think that'll do me good.

That's it for now- must go and make some dinner! Ciao!

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