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Thursday, 19 April 2007

The time between my posts is getting longer and longer. I will have to either train James or the cats to take over during my lengthy absences!! I think I have a better chance with the cats to be honest...

Since my last post the only real thing of note was my combined 30th birthday party, held with Ryan and Emily. Here is the invitation that we sent out, courtesy of Emily's talents:

As you may have noticed, it was a fancy dress party- a "Saints and Sinners" party to be specific. If I recall correctly, it was my idea to have our party as fancy dress... these things always seem like a good idea at the time, until you have to decide on a costume!! In the early stages of planning this party I wasn't yet pregnant, and was looking forward to perhaps a costume consisting of all leather- something a bit outrageous and out of character for me, primarily comfortable to dance in, in between drinking my fair share of the bar tab!! I had been quite excited about the party, looking forward to spending some time with friends and letting my hair down... but on the night my excitement waned considerably (what a bugger!) I'd had trouble deciding on a costume anyway, and only picked it out the day before (I ended up going as Minnie Mouse- a far cry from the aforementioned leather outfit, and not 100% to theme but I figured Minne could be thought of as "saintly"... in a way... it was a cute outfit though!) and on the night just wasn't feeling all that well. My enthusiasm returned during the night though- it was brilliant to see what a fabulous effort people had made with their costumes and the amount of people that we had there was impressive since we were a bit worried attendances would be down a bit with several people we knew not being able to make it. James had such an amazing time, I have never seen him on a dance floor so much, socialising the entire night. I'm very pleased to say that everything turned out very well in the end, although can I also say that I'm kind of glad it's over now- parties are kind of stressful to organise- it was well worth it though. By the way, James went as a priest- very funny :-)

I'm going to post some pictures when I get some good ones, so stay tuned.


In other news, not too much has been happening. We're getting ready to begin the hard search for somewhere new to live, so I've been packing a few things slowly, trying to get a head start. My morning sickness has unfortunately stuck around, I'm feeling extremely nauseous as I write this and it's just gone 11am- usually the bulk of it goes away by 10ish but on my days off it decides to remain the entire day- so nice of it! I'm hoping and praying that I have only a few weeks left of it, I have been very surprised at just how much it gets you down, not to mention how exhausting it is feeling so sick all the time. I just don't feel like doing anything, going anywhere, talking to anyone... I know it will all be worth it in the long run, it's just that IT SUCKS right now. Haha, poor me, right?! I'll be fine- it's just that it's weird when there's so much happening to your body, it's hard to keep up. I have completely gone off of tea and coffee to the point where I can't even handle the smell, also eggs *blerk* can't even thing about an egg without wanting to throw up :-) James has pretty much been doing the cooking as in general the smell of food doesn't agree with me, though I think tonight I'm going to try to get back in the kitchen! It's funny to think that soon we will have our little baby and one day we will tell him or her all these stories, they're like the first memories of our baby :-)

I have my first appointment at the Women's and Children's Hospital on Monday morning and James is going to come with me which will be good. Will keep you all updated, but for now, I'm heading back to the couch! Bye xx

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